Eckhard Roth Salamander
1964 Kronstadt , Rumania
1982 Germany
1983 Berlin
1983-1987 Study on the TU- Berlin Astrophysics and Mathematics
1987 Theatre LightArt and Design
1991 Technical asisten on The Theatre Stendal
1992 Open the my Capeni
2009 teaching Academi Light Design for Theatre
2010 open the office of lightdesign and lightart
1983 Fotto exposit In Berlin
1992 Lightinstallation
1993 Open exposition with running flam "we kuk architecture "
1997 Est West , so NO Light tunnel
2007 Landart Light installation : Bridge,Parks , Publik place
2009 lightsculptur In Thüringen
20010 Exposition in Wilhelmsburg Hamburg
Differently exposition and illumination in Berlin
Art werker of NEON Berlin , Hamburg, Mainu